Sunday, December 26, 2010

Much Awaited Event

Sadhguru's visit to Bangalore
 It all started when we attended the volunteers meet on 21st November. The only thought "What can I do for my Guru" stamped all the "What about me"s and stretched my physical limitations. Although I had to go on telling "Sadhguru is coming to Bangalore" "Sadhguru is coming to Bangalore" more than a hundred times, I felt wonderfull when infoming the public that my Guru is comming to Bangalore. I feel thinking about the Guru in some way or the other is a great sadhana on its own. Volunteering went by very fast and soon, the day dawned when Sadhguru had to come to Bangalore. Kapila Akka and I were standing in the reception with brochures. The brochures flew out of our hands like as though a strong wind was blowing. It seemed like there was no end to the people entering the hall. As the crowd increased, we all felt very happy.  Then suddenly, I was informed that Sadhguru was already inside the hall. From outside, we saw him. Slowly, tears of joy rolled down my cheeks. Since I was in the reception, I was unable to listen to Sadhguru's conversation properly. The next day, Sadhguru was conducting sathsang for all the meditators. I expected the same to happen to me the next day as well. I consoled myself. Even if I sit in the last row, His grace will always be there.
The next day arrived soon. I got a call from Abhi akka that I was in the practice correction. She asked me to finish correction and be seated in the front row. I couldn't believe my ears! Front row!! Infront of Sadhguru! I couldn't control my tears!
In the sathsang, I saw a different Sadhguru. It was like a father was sitting and sharing his experience with his children. For everything, my response was only tears, tears and more silent tears. I did not intend to stop my tears at all. If not in front of the Guru, then where else shall I shed my tears? The experience i gained from Sadhguru is not explainable. Hearing the "Maha Devaya Namaha" song, sitting under the same roof under which Sadhguru is also seated... what else does a meditator want?
"Thank you" is a very small word to thank all the people who are instrumental in arranging Sadhguru's visit to Bangalore.
Thank you volunteers; Thank you organizers... Thanks everyone!


  1. Selvi ka, its wonderful. It was so wonderful to see so many ppl being touched by him. How much ever we do, its just not enough. I often forget the important aspects and get in to my own non-sense. Glimpse of him and few words by him re-charges me like anything. Lets gear up for his next big visit. Abinaya

  2. :D it was an awesome conversation with Sadhguru!!!!!!!

  3. Simply fantastic akka!

    Really glad and fortunate to be in the company of people like you. It's been a superb experience volunteering for the Vijayanagar team, under your guidance and support. All thanks to ISHA, that I could get to know you all in this journey of life!

